About The Authors

Curtis Taylor
My name is Curtis Taylor. I grew up in a small town 20 minutes outside of Bloomington Indiana know as Solsberry Indiana. I attended Eastern Greene High School all four years and graduated with a Core 40 diploma. I am furthering my education here at Indiana University and I hope to receive a bachelor’s degree in Informatics. With that degree, I hope to work for a major company in designing web pages and working with the technical aspects of a computer.

Some of my interests include, video editing, listening to music, Photoshop and photography, biology and environmental science, video games, bike riding, hiking, and working with computers. As a kid I have always loved working with new technologies to try and figure out how they worked. My family always relies on me to set up and fix all of their computer problems. I have also taken interest in photography. I love taking pictures; I just wish I could afford a professional camera.
Chelsea Oyervides
My name is Chelsea Oyervides and I am from Merrillville, Indiana. I was born and raised in Chicago and moved to Merrillville for grade school. I graduated there with an Academic Honors Diploma as well as a Technical Honors Diploma. Throughout my high school years I fell in love with all the business classes, which is why I got the technical diploma.

In my free time I enjoy playing sports, which is why I want to major in Sports Marketing. I played softball for Merrillville all 4 years. I love getting outside and playing any kind of sport and I like to learn new ones as well.
While attending IU I am pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Marketing and Management. Further on in my education I hope to receive an MBA. I have many goals and I am looking forward to accomplishing them one step at a time.
Brittni Scott
Hey everyone, my name is Brittni Scott. I'm an incoming freshman at IU University. I love to read, sing, work out, shop, etc. I just enjoy life in general. I graduated valedictorian from my high school and plan to double major in criminal law and chemistry with a double minor in spanish and music. To sum myself up in one word, I'd say musical...like literally. I would die if I ever lost my iPod, really...ok not really but you get the picture. So hope to here from everybody and anybody. I'm always here to listen :). My email is brimscot@inidana.edu, msg me anytime. ttfn :) lol
Ashley Ahuja
My name is Ashley Ahuja, I was born in West Covina, California on August 8th. I moved to Indiana when I was 10. I have a little brother named Omar; he can be such a handful! My motivation for continuing my education would have to be my mother. Her hard work makes me want to pursue a degree in hopes of one day being able to take good care of her like she’s done for me.
My hobbies include playing tennis, hanging out with friends, playing the violin, listening to music, and going to concerts and shows. I’ve been playing tennis for 4 years and I hope to eventually play intramural tennis here at IU. I will also being playing Violin for the Orchestra here at IU. Music is my favorite pastime! I love to go to concerts and music festivals in my free time. Just this summer I attended a four day music festival called Bonnaroo, and it’s been the best experience of my life thus far!
I am currently an Indiana University student majoring in nursing and minoring in Spanish and psychology. Eventually I plan to become a nursing practitioner. I am also thinking about bio informatics major. The reason I decided to come to IU was a love for the campus and everything the town of Bloomington has to offer. I enjoy being far enough from home that I can focus on my work while remaining close enough to Evansville that I still feel at home!

Carly Crays
Carly Crays Hi, I’m Carly Crays! I am 18-soon to be 19! I’m too young to feel old!-and am from Fort Wayne, IN. I was born to Kelly and Robert Crays on July 7, 1991. My parents soon divorced; while many people would consider this a horrible thing, I consider it one of the best things to ever happen to me. Let’s be frank: some people do not belong together. I have a little brother-he’s only a year younger, but it’s that closeness that kinda burns us up. I am very close to my grandparents, and love my family very much. I attended Franke Park Elementary for most of my grade school career. I did go to another school before that, but let’s not get into that little mess. While there, I was diagnosed with a learning disability, though they never told me what that meant. Years later, we found out that I probably had Asperger syndrome, which is a fun little form of autism. Well, anyways…I slacked off in grade school. I really messed up. But then in 5th grade, I did super well. In middle school-GOOO NORTHWOOD! - I did even better; I always placed in the top 10 of my class! In high school-North Side High School, home of the Red Skins- I joined the school orchestra, which was one of the best times of my life! I also helped the school art club, and worked as a student tutor. I finished high school ranked at lucky number 7!I love comic books! Like, really love them! I know they’re a dying medium, but they are just so cool! They have so much detail that you just can’t get in movies or books. As for what I would like to do as an adult…I guess I could try to go pre-med, but what I really want to do is write a comic book. I hope to find an artist this fall, and hope to get all of the equipment I need to go forward with my plan. No matter what, I will go for my Master’s, if for nothing else than to say I have it. Well, that’s it for me. Hope I didn’t bore you too much! There's an attachment if anyone wants to see a pic of me from my junior prom!

Josh Pugh
My goal in life is to be the best I can be and to aim high in life by succeeding in college. I have a lot of hobbies including dancing, basketball, and just having fun in general. I have a lot of interest in technology and computers which is why I am majoring in informatics. I want to get a bachelors degree and then on to a masters degree in informatics. I joined two sports in high school and they were wrestling and cross country.

I had a lot of experiences before I came to college in Bloomington. They mostly had to do with the sports and hanging with my friends. In wrestling I was pretty good I made it to semi-state and had a 24-12 record. In cross country I did well my junior year but most of my senior year I was hurt. I have a lot of goals that I want to accomplish in college like getting higher than a 3.5 and receiving three A’s or more every year. The most important thing is graduating in 2014 from Indiana University. My hobbies are very important to me because they are what I did when I grew up as a kid. I played basketball every day in my neighborhood with my friend which is why I guess I am a beast at it. Dancing is really fun to me and I started learning it from different friends that I have. Having fun is what describes me because that’s what life is all about and until I die I am going to have fun regardless of what happens during life. My name is Josh Pugh and that is my biography.

Samantha Snyder
Hi! My name is Samantha Snyder and I am 18 years old. I am from Knox, IN (That's up near Valparasio and South Bend area). I am currently attending Indiana University Bloomington with the Groups program. I plan to major in Business Management with a minor in Spanish. I've always been intrigued by businesses and how they operate. On a side note I enjoy fiddling with technology and gadgets. I also really love gaming and I play many different games (console and computer) ranging from first person shooters to MMORPGS such as World of Warcraft. I also enjoy hanging out with friends, listening to muisc, and playing billiards. I am really looking forward to the experiences and memories that I am going to form here at Indiana University Bloomington.

Steven Thompson
Hello! I am Steven Thompson and I am a native of Indianapolis, Indiana. I recently graduated from North Central High School in May 2010. I presently am a freshman at Indiana University Bloomington and am majoring in Social Studies Education. My future career goals include becoming a teacher, administrator, and eventually a faculty member at a College and/or University.In My free time, I enjoy to spend time with my friends, go to the movies, read books, play the Sims 3 and watch the news. I follow politics very closely, and I love speaking and teaching others about technology. My background includes work in the radio and television field, journalism and photography. I have extensive experience in working with youth, and being a guest speaker. My family includes my parents, who are both alumni of Indiana University, three siblings, Kenny, Todd, and Kristin. I am the youngest of all my siblings. My sister is a graduate of Spelman College in Atlanta, GA and is currently pursuing a Master’s of Science in Bio-Medical Engineering in Washington, D.C., My brother Todd graduated from Indiana State University and is currently working as a Probation Officer at the Marion County Juvenile Center, and my oldest brother Kenny graduated from Tennessee State University with a degree in electrical engineering and lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

Holly Juarez
Greetings, my name is Holly Juarez. I am currently eighteen years old and will be turning nineteen in October. I will be a freshman this fall at Indiana University, Bloomington and am planning on majoring in business as well as pre-dental. I am also looking forward to exploring the informatics classes offered and possibly changing my major to informatics with a cognate in business.

I was born and raised in Goshen, Indiana. I have two older brothers who have also attended Indiana University. My parents were both born and raised in Hidalgo, Mexico and therefore I am first generation born in the US. I attended and graduated from Goshen High School where I was very involved not only in school but also in the community. I was part of Student Council, French Club, as well as Latino Club. I was class president two consecutive years and class secretary for another. I also formed part of the girls soccer team my freshman and sophomore year. I look forward to forming part of various organizations at Indiana University that will further expand my knowledge and experiences.

Christian Hooten
Hello, my name is Christian Hooten. I am nineteen years old. I am representing one of many Speedway alumni attending IU Bloomington. Currently I am a freshman who is going to major in Informatics. I am quiet and straightforward person that loves to read and watch basketball. I enjoy reading controversial topic and issues the most. My favorite basketball team is PACERS and I am naturally a COLTS fan. I was born and raised in Indiana and only left the state once to study in Michigan. My favorite music is pop and hip hop and occasionally r & b. I have been in college for three weeks and i personally do not find it hard. College just takes up more of your time. Welcome to IU Bloomigton and good luck !!!!

Alix Byrum
Hi, my name is Alix Byrum. I am eighteen years old and a freshman at Indiana University Bloomington. My hometown is Evansville, Indiana. I graduated from F.J. Reitz High school, where I was a Cheerleader, a member of Student council, and a member of Business Professionals of America. In my free time I helped teach a children Sunday School class and was an active member of Youth Resources Teen Advisory Council. I also had two jobs; Pacific Sunwear and Papa Murphy's.
Here at IU, I plan to either major in Business Finance and International Business, or major in Business Finance and minor in Economics. I love dealing with numbers (especially money) and there's a strong background of business in my family. I also plan to be just as involved in Bloomington as I was in Evansville. Right now, I am a member of Groups, and I'm not sure what other organizations I will be involved with. I do know that I will be in the Karate Club because I already have my 2nd degree black belt in Shotokan, and I have my 2nd degree black belt in Chun Ji Do. Other than all the above, there's not really much else to say, besides that I am very outgoing and love hanging out with friends!

Quintin Harden
My name is Quintin Harden I was born right here in Bloomington IN in 1991. I grew up in Brown County, one county to the east from Monroe County, with my mother Connie Harden and my little brother Phillip Cromwell. My mom and dad however were never married but met through the United States Airforce. Thats currently what my dad, William Smith II, is doing now and has been doing for a while. He lives in Great Falls Montana and works at Malstrom Airforce Base with his new wife and my sisters and child brother Billy Smith III. Although my dad lives so far away I go to visit him almost every summer. Montana is where i acquired many of my hobbies i have now. I have caught onto wakeboarding, kneeboarding, tubing, skiing, and base jumping. All having to do with water but hey it's my thing

Rasheed Ojerinde
My Name is Rasheed Ojerinde. I am Nineteen years old. I am a psychology major student here at Indiana University Bloomington. I was born in Lagos, Nigeria.I spend most of my time playing football, soccer, pool, and ping-pong. I also enjoy working out and wrestling. I am a very caring and sympathetic individual. My family and i moved to United States when i was eleven years of age.

My family and i first lived in New York for a short period of time before moving to Indiana in 2002. I enjoy a wide variety of musical genres. My musical taste range from alternative rock to rap. My favorite rap artist is Kanye West and my favorite alternative rock group is Nickleback. I plan to be a family and couple's therapist because i love helping others understand their emotions and resolving their issues. My inspirations are my parents because they are prime examples of extraordinary beings.

Ruben Dezaldo
Hi my name is Ruben I am eighteen years old. I attend college at IU,Bloomington and I'm planing to major in Informatics. A cool fact about me is that I builded my own computer. Myfavorite color is silver and I like to workout. I also like to dance to hip-hop music which is my favorite music besides metalcore rock.
I am aquiet person and may seem odd at first , but once people get to know me they see how cool and smart I am. I really don't segregate I hang out with anyone wanting to be friends. I love college and the college experience the work can be rought sometimes but I make the best I can possibly do and try to survive. Also I hate scary movies they're just awful and poorly made now days. If you really think about it they are not even scary people just get killed and mangled and that's just gross, but that's my opinion. I much rather prefer action , comedy or even a romantic comedy. In addition I would like to say that if you know me or see and are up to being friends you can come introdoce yourself or e-mail me.(rdezaldo@indiana.edu)