Tuesday, July 27, 2010

President of IU student body with BIG ADVICE!!!

Below is an interview with your 2010-11 IU student body President, Michael Coleman.

Q: How did you go about getting involved?
A: GROUPS President had a lot to do with it. At the end of the GROUPS Summer Experience there is a Fall Expo and I met the advisor for RHA (Residence Hall Association), student government in the residence halls, and she told me to contact the President of the residence hall I was staying in. I immediately did that when the school year rolled around. I had an interview with the President of Teter and she appointed me the Vice President of Programming and began inviting me to many meetings that exposed me to the campus. I also took a class where I had to volunteer at a local agency, and I chose the Crestmont Boys&Girls Club where I worked at up until last year. I also did a Freshman Internship program with IUSA....

Q: Were there any difficulties that you faced, and how did you overcome them?
A: Time Management, still dealing with it, most of the time I just stay up late. Doing too much is also a problem I have. I have learned to say no to things that come my way.

Q: What is your favorite school year event?
A: CultureFest, it occurs during Welcome Week and it may be the only event that really brings the whole campus together (opinion).

Q: Do you have any time management techniques for upcoming freshman?
A: Get work done as soon as possible, it helps out tremendously. Plan out everything that you want to do for the school year after you decide what you want to be involved in. After that, sit down and chart out how you spend your week (sleep, eating, homework, texting, social networks, e-mail) and give things a percentage. - This should hopefully make you really think about how you spend your time.

Q: Is there any advice you think would be useful for incoming freshman to know?
A: Don't get behind, get involved, impact the community, network, leave your mark on campus, and above all else have fun because this is a great experience.


  1. In Indiana University there are a lot of things going on! I hope it's a little easier than it seems.
